2011年8月16日 星期二

{Gene's毛線娃娃} Smurf, Smurfette

最近藍色小精靈的動畫電影勾起Gene和CJ不少童年回憶,前幾個星期還租了古早卡通版的DVD來溫習,其實英文版的The Smurfs比較好笑耶!
Gene參考卡通畫面織了兩隻小精靈,分別是Greedy(小貪吃)和Smurfette(小美人)。我喜歡The Smurfs網站上對每隻小精靈的下的註解。例如:
小貪吃是"Here's one Smurf that only ever thinks about eating. Whatever he finds, he munches on: sarsaparilla, soup, cheese, and fruit... But what he really, really wants is cakes, tarts and any goodies he can sneak away from Cook Smurf. His motto? You don't eat to live - you live to eat!

而小美人是"The Smurfette was originally created by the horrible wizard Gargamel to cause trouble amongst the Smurfs. With a big nose and wild hair, she didn't originally look like much. Using his alchemy and knowledge, Papa Smurf transformed her into the charming Smurfette that melts the hearts of the other Smurfs. She's one of a kind, full of feminine grace and frivolous. She can also be very much a woman, playing with the feelings of her sweethearts."(Ps.我也是看了這邊才知道小美人是賈不妙創造的耶!)


