2010年1月3日 星期日

Yule-tide Memories

New York Public Library的數位藝廊裡面,可以搜尋到許多從古代到當代的一些藝術作品、書籍、影音...等等的數位檔案。Gene在裡面看到許多古老的聖誕卡片、明信片,在那個印刷還不是那麼普遍的年代,所謂的卡片幾乎都是手繪的,也許並沒有現代卡片上炫麗的色彩和特殊效果,但有的卻是更質樸的畫與文字的搭配。像這兩張卡片上的文字,Gene一遍又一遍地念著,就是覺得好美。

[Yule-tide Memories]
Old memories come back to me,
Old tunes my heart is singing,
Ah, Yule, no joy can sweeter be
Than those which thou art bringing!
Do thou thy brightest gifts combine
To bless and cheer all friends of mine!

[A Merry Christmas] by J. R. Lowelt
The world is happy,
the world is wide,
Kind hearts are
beating on

[A Glad New Year to you] by Virginia B. Harrison
God give to you,
as dawns each days,
A heart for work-
a heart for play;
And grant that you
These blessings find:
Courage, gaiety and the
quiet mind.

